Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How To Pass YABATECH Post UTME With Flying Colours

Countless number of candidates attempt entrance into Yabatech, popularly known as Yaba College Of Tension, however, only the lucky few gain entry. 

This is owing to the fact that there are rules and preparatory requirements that are supposed to be put in place before entering the hall.

      The rules are stated below:

  1.  Study the brochure to be sure that you met the required cut-off mark for your course of choice. This gives you an assurance and a clear mind. 
  2. Study past questions, the examination questions mostly consist of reshuffled past questions which are then set as new.

  • Study other materials like notebooks, handouts and textbooks that you already have, these help too. A student once spoke of her post utme exam questions having over 20 of jamb past questions.

  • Surf the internet for detailed answers to questions you may come across.

  •  Prior to the examination time, please clear your mind,relax and get enough sleep. A healthy person foes better in exams than a non-healthy.

  •  Follow all the rules and instructions in the exam hall or from the invigilator to avoid being penalized.

  • Pray before going in, hard work might not be enough.

  The above rules are necessary for every candidate of Yabatech's post UTME because the school is quite strict in their academic patterns.

Myyabatech advise that you should not engage in any form of malpractice or someone helping you because on that day, you are on your own and also you do not have to be dependent after going through the aforesaid steps.
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