Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Know About YABATECH New Rector

The federal government Tuesday announced Engineer Obafemi Omokungbe, 55, the Rector of Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech). He is the first alumnus of the 70-year old institution to be appointed Rector. He succeeded Dr. Margaret Kudirat Ladipo, who completed her tenure December 10, 2017.

Announcing the appointment, the Chairman, Yabatech Governing Council, Prince Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) said, “Record is made today, Omokungbe has been approved by the Minister for Education and the Presidency.
“The Governing Council had adopted the best to get the best and God has given us the best. Indeed, it is all that is well, that ends well. I must say, it is easier to get to the top of the ladder but it requires ten times the initial effort to sustain yourself at the top. That means, as you have come out in large number to solidarize with the new Rector, you must keep praying for him to succeed.”

He saluted the two runner ups, Drs. Raheem Omobayo and Kayode Aledare for their large heartedness. “We did not have any regrets forwarding three great names from which Omokungbe was selected.” He thanked the federal government for not throwing overboard the recommendations of the Council.

Omokungbe joined the services of Yabatech as Lecturer III in 1993 and rose through the ranks to become a Chief Lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department, School of Civil Engineering and Natural Resources, Yabatech in 2009.

He was Head, Department of Civil Engineering (2007 - 2009) and had published many scholarly articles and used his professional knowhow to impact on the College structural development programmes. Besides, he was a former president of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (Yabatech Branch).

Addressing the staff yesterday, Omokungbe said the journey ahead was a collective one, declaring there was no victor, no vanquished, he said, “We shall do it together. There is a lot to do, and there is a lot to fix, we shall do them and we shall fix them, but give me time. I have served you diligently before, and I offer to serve you again.”

He is married with children.

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